



Why only buses with number D and E are allowed into new Mwenge terminal

Tanzania, March 18 -- Dar es Salaam. The Land and Transport Regulatory Authority (Latra) said on Sunday that it would only allow commuter buses with registration numbers D and E to access the recently... Read More

Why only buses with plate numbers D and E are allowed into new Mwenge terminal

Tanzania, March 18 -- Dar es Salaam. The Land and Transport Regulatory Authority (Latra) said on Sunday that it would only allow commuter buses with registration numbers D and E to access the recently... Read More

Why only buses with number plates D and E are allowed into new Mwenge terminal

Tanzania, March 18 -- Dar es Salaam. The Land and Transport Regulatory Authority (Latra) said on Sunday that it would only allow commuter buses with registration numbers D and E to access the recently... Read More

Revealed: Factors behind life expectancy rise in Tanzania

Tanzania, March 15 -- Dar es Salaam. Life expectancy in Tanzania has increased slightly in the last three years, thanks to improvements in healthcare systems and ongoing healthy living awareness campa... Read More

Loy offers women tips to succeed at workplaces

Tanzania, March 13 -- With two decades of expertise in intellectual property, Ms Loy Mhando firmly believes that gender should not hinder women from accomplishing their goals. But for that to happen ... Read More

Only 40 out of 300 commuter buses are operating at the Sh12 billion new Mwenge terminal

Tanzania, March 13 -- Dar es Salaam. The newly finished Mwenge bus terminal in the city eagerly anticipates the arrival of commuter buses, which are gradually making their way to the facility. The Sh... Read More

Mwenge terminal opens, awaits for commuter buses

Tanzania, March 12 -- Dar es Salaam. The newly finished Mwenge bus terminal in the city eagerly anticipates the arrival of commuter buses, which are gradually making their way to the facility. The Sh... Read More

UAE firm ordered to pay Tanzania $10.9 million

Tanzania, March 11 -- Dar es Salaam. Alchemist Energy Trading DMCC of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been ordered to pay a total of $10.9 million to the Petroleum Bulk Procurement Agency (PBPA) fo... Read More

Banking industry steps up efforts to empower women professionals

Tanzania, March 5 -- Dar es Salaam. In a concerted effort to address gender disparities in leadership roles within the banking industry, Tanzania's financial institutions are ramping up initiatives ai... Read More

Experts highlight lessons from NHIF dispute with private hospitals ahead of UHI

Tanzania, March 4 -- Dar es Salaam. Insurance and economic experts have emphasized the need for the government to glean insights from the ongoing row between the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) ... Read More